Name & Address Changes

Name & Address Changes

Has your legal name or address changed? Here is a guide on your next steps:
  1. Paycom: You can update both physical and mailing addresses in Paycom. Also, if you are involved in testing students, please review your testing event locations (Go to Information > Additional Information).
  2. Name change with PEBA: You'll need to complete this form and securely upload to CASC HR along with one of the following documents:
    1. Photocopy of marriage license
    2. Photocopy of divorce decree
    3. Photocopy of a filed court order
    4. Photocopy of driver's license or state-issued ID card
    5. Photocopy of Social Security card
    6. Photocopy of valid U.S. Passport
  3. Address change with PEBA: If you have insurance through PEBA, you can update your address in the MyBenefits portal. For retirement, log into Member Access to update your address.
  4. State ORP participants only: You will need to update your name and/or address directly with your vendor:
    1. Corebridge (former AIG/VALIC)
    2. Voya
    3. TIAA
    4. Empower (former Mass Mutual)
  5. Testing Nirvana: If your address has changed, please log into Testing Nirvana to update it.
  6. Certified Staff: Please log into SC Educator to update your name.
  7. Items you may want to review or update in Paycom:
    1. Tax withholding
    2. Contact information (address, phone number, email, etc.)
    3. Emergency contact
  8. If you qualify for a special eligibility situation and need to make changes to your insurance benefits, here is a quick video that explains how to make changes in the MyBenefits portal.
  9. You may also want to consider reviewing your beneficiaries for your retirement account and life insurance. Click here for more information.

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