If you don't receive a response prior to your conflicted class time, please attend any IEP mandated sessions as first priority. If there is not a scheduled IEP mandated class, then attend the class that coordinates with the period your Guidance Counselor scheduled for you.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title/Position]
[Contact Information]
Hi |student.preferredOrFirstname|,
I'm sorry to read you are having unusual class connect times on your plan. Often when students have this issue it is related to the time zone selection. Don't Worry. There is an easy fix.
Click on this link to find out more, https://www.help.k12.com/s/article/Time-Zone-Settings-for-Class-Connect-Time-Zone-Picker.
Hi |student.preferredOrFirstname|,
I'm sorry to read you are having trouble with your settings in your class connect sessions (Engageli). Please click on this link to access the Engageli help center: https://support.engageli.com/hc/en-us/categories/4409351388059-Learner.