K12 Training Merge To Stride Professional Development Center
Claim/Activate Your Stride Professional Development Center Account
- Click this link for instructions on how to claim/activate your account.
- If you do not receive a password reset email or if you were hired after November, follow the steps below.
- Create a free account here by filling in your details (and choosing your PW) - https://stridepdcenter.com/registration/
Use the blue “Register” button and not the hyperlinked “Subscribe Today."
Send an email to info@stridepdcenter.com indicating you have created the account and your school’s name. You will be moved into your school’s group for full access.
Download Your K12 Training Transcript
- Log into K12training.com
- At the top left, click on the drop down arrow in "Learn"
- Click on "Transcript"
4. In the All Training Tab, make sure that you filter
- Type and Status: "All"
- From date: Should be your date of hire
- To date: Should be the current date or date of last K12 training completed.
Click "Filter"
5. Click "Save as PDF" to download it.
- If a Pop-Up blocker blocks the document from being downloaded, it displays a site blocked icon in the corner of the browser. Click on the icon. Select "Always allow pop-ups and redirects from K12training." Then, click "Done."
6. A separate window may open. Click on the Download arrow icon. Then select your "All My Training" PDF.
7. Save the PDF in a folder for your records.

You can also download each of your certificates as needed
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