K12 Training Merge To Stride Professional Development Center

K12 Training Merge To Stride Professional Development Center

Claim/Activate Your Stride Professional Development Center Account

  1. Click this link for instructions on how to claim/activate your account.
  2. If you do not receive a password reset email or if you were hired after November, follow the steps below.
    1. Create a free account here by filling in your details (and choosing your PW) - https://stridepdcenter.com/registration/
    2. Use the blue “Register” button and not the hyperlinked “Subscribe Today."
    3. Send an email to info@stridepdcenter.com indicating you have created the account and your school’s name. You will be moved into your school’s group for full access.

Download Your K12 Training Transcript

  1. Log into K12training.com
  2. At the top left, click on the drop down arrow in "Learn"
  3. Click on "Transcript"

4. In the All Training Tab, make sure that you filter
  1. Type and Status: "All"
  2. From date: Should be your date of hire
  3. To date: Should be the current date or date of last K12 training completed.
Click "Filter"
5. Click "Save as PDF" to download it.
  1. If a Pop-Up blocker blocks the document from being downloaded, it displays a site blocked icon in the corner of the browser. Click on the icon. Select "Always allow pop-ups and redirects from K12training." Then, click "Done." 
How to Allow or Block Pop-Ups in Google Chrome
6. A separate window may open. Click on the Download arrow icon. Then select your "All My Training" PDF.

7. Save the PDF in a folder for your records.

You can also download each of your certificates as needed

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