Common Terms and Acronyms

Common Terms and Acronyms


Academic Administrator 

Academic Services 

K12 corporate team that supports schools in the development, implementation, and execution of the Academic Excellence Framework. 


Evidence provided to support implementation and action taken to improve instruction and learning 


In response to data - new lessons, strategies, and interventions-change in instruction 

Action Plan 

Set of actions toward a specific goal 


Academic Excellence Framework.  Guide K12 schools in developing a comprehensive academic plan, organized according to seven guiding standards designed to improve student outcomes.  Describes the standards and practices essential to highly effective programs.  The framework serves as the basis by which we organize academic practices and how those practices shape comprehensive school success. 




The largest community of education professionals in the world. It is a non-profit, non-partisan, accrediting organization that conducts rigorous, on-site reviews of a variety of educational institutions and systems to ensure that all learners realize their full potential   


Advanced Learning Program 


Advanced Placement 


A system of alphabetized color names to refer to grade levels in K12 Math+ and K12 ELA courses for kindergarten-grade 5: Blue (K), Green (gr.1), Orange (gr. 2), Purple (gr. 3), Red (gr. 4), Yellow (gr. 5) 

Aligned Assessment 

Aligned to state standards and test including format, content and length; to instructional sequence (curriculum) 


Used to determine learning, progress, and mastery 

Diagnostic - provides a baseline prior to instruction- strengths, weaknesses, skills, and knowledge  

Summative - measure of learning at a designated milestone (such as an end of a unit) 

Formative/Ongoing – measurement for learning 

Benchmark - given periodically to establish baseline data and measure progress towards the goal 

Interim - Administered every 6-8 weeks (between instruction cycles/intervals); common across grade level/course; assessing standards/skills taught within the instructional cycle – formative 

Asynchronous Instruction or Asynchronous Learning 

Teaching and learning that do not take palce in real-time.  For example: Students may learn content from a lesson that was added to the system months ago; Teachers may provide feedback on assignments that were upladed hours ago; Student may hold discussions with posts separated by hours or days. 


Back on Track Plan 


Beginning of year 


Beyond Speech Therapy 


Blackboard Collaborate 

Online whiteboard teacher tool for conducting live classes that class connect runs through-- online classroom used for facilitating and/or attending lessons and meetings virtually (new name for Elluminate)  



BAM- brick and mortar: Traditional public school (in a building)  


Blended Learning Site 


Detailed calendar that includes time for assessment creation/adaptation, implementation, analysis, and re-teaching 

Class Connect (CC) 

The term used for classroom time using the tool Blackboard Collaborate 


Close of business 


A group of students that have similarities, most common is when they started the school year at a school 


A skill, ability, or set of knowledge that is necessary for a person to effectively perform their role.   

Competency-Based Professional Development 

A method of providing professional development opportunities which focuses on the ability to demonstrate competency of a skill, ability, or set of knowledge that is independent of the manner of skill and knowledge acquisition, and time required to meet said competency. 

Continuous Improvement 

Results in success for all learners should be the goal of every institution. The Improvement Journey for each institution may look different but should always include measures of quality of learning and instruction. 


Facts and statistics collected together for reference and analysis. 

Data-Driven Culture 

Nothing is more important than learning; Established through active leadership team, introductory professional development; assessment calendar, ongoing professional development, communication, and student and teacher expectations  

Data-Driven Instruction (DDI) 

Four key principles: Culture, Assessment, Analysis, and Action; Shifts the focus from what was taught to what was learned  

Data Meetings 

Teacher and leadership led by grade and/or content to analyze data and determine action that will translate into instructional changes and increased student learning 

DDI Framework 

DDI structure including the four principles and key components  


Deputy Vice President 


An acronym for Desire2Learn, the original name of the Brightspace Learning Mangement System which serves as the back-end platform on which the K12 Online Middle and High School are built. 

Dibels (ES only) 

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills - Tool used to measure literacy and numeracy growth for students in grades k-6 


End of Year 


English Language Learner 

ESL:  English as a Second Language  


Expense Report: A report which teachers complete that lists expenses which should be reimbursed. (i.e. phone, internet connection, travel, etc.).  



Family Compliance Liaison 


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. 


Family Engagement Administrator 


Family Engagement Coordinator 


Family Resource Coordinator 


Family Support Liaison 




Testing site for K-5 students  


Grade Level 


Head of School  

Oversees the functions of the school and teachers grades k-12. 


High School 

Handwriting without Tears (HWT) 

Supplemental writing program for students in K-2nd to work on printing and cursive. 

Implementation Rubric 

To be used to assess the present state of data-driven instruction and assessment in a school; targets interim assessments and the key principles and components leading to increased student achievement; repeat periodically 


Individualized Education Plan 

A plan developed for students identified as needing special Education services. The plan includes goals, which may be different than a regular ed. student; modifications and accommodations the student may use to maximize learning.  


ILP  (Individual Learning Plan):  Set up during the first few weeks of enrolling with the virtual academy.  The teacher, LC and student work together to line up some goals to meet during the year. Follow-up will be incorporated into conference calls and parent teacher conferences.  



Individual Language Learner Plan for students who qualify as ELL 

IC (Instructional Coaching) 

At K12, our instructional coaching program is based on a strengths based improvement model, focusing on strengths and potential rather than deficits. Coaches encourage teachers to reflect on their professional practice, providing support and resources based on the teacher’s current professional needs. 


Portal to submit work related expenses 

Infinite Campus 

An information storage systems that houses student information 

Instructional Leaders 

Head of School, Academic Administrator, Lead/Lead Master Teacher, Instructional Coach and/or Department Chair; facilitate teacher-leader data analysis meetings; maintain focus 


Instructional Specialist- manages regional instructional coaching team 


Intentionally becoming involved in an academic situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse. The intervention process begins with identifying a problem and then using data in a team approach to develop a plan. The plan is then implemented and evaluated.          


Interventions can become more intense by changing: (a) group size, (b) amount of time, and (c) curriculum/instruction used. 


Introduction to Online Learning Courses (a.k.a. Online Learning, Orientation Courses) 


A normed-reference growth measure assessment tool for grades K-8 

K12®: A national curriculum company that provides curriculum and services to the virtual academy, including the Online School®.  


K12 App 

New mobile application for prospective and approved families to prepare for the first day of school 

K12 Customer Care 

A resource for Students and Learning Coaches to report technical issues and get immediate assistance - 866.512.2273 

K12 Training 

Learning management system that houses training related to K12 inc curriculum, online tools as well as researched based strategies and instructional practices related to education. 


Elementary School  


A short-hand term referring to the months leading up to and including the first month or two of a school year. 


A team of educational professionals focused on developing and improving educational leaders in the K12 network. 


Learning Coach 

The adult who oversees the education of the student;    usually a parent. 



The K12 Learning Coach University is specifically focused to provide excellent resources and support in a range of various topics. The topics and content of the K12 Learning Coach University have been created based on the suggestions and feedback of existing and veteran Learning Coaches. 


Learning Management System - Examples OLS & OMS 


Left Message 


Legal Guardian 


Instant Messaging tool 


Made contact 


Managed Public Schools 

Mandated Reporter 

A person who, because of his or her profession, is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. 

MARK12 Reading 

K12’s proprietary reading remediation program for grades 3-5. 


Read as “Math Plus.” K12’s proprietary math program for grades K-5. 


Definition 1: Senior/experienced teacher assigned to assist and coach a teacher during their initial year of teaching at a K12 school 

Definition 2: A term sometimes used interchangeably with Learning Coach in High School curriculum. 

Microsoft Office Suite 

A package of office productivity software released by Microsoft and is available for Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. 


Middle School  


Middle of Year 


National Collegiate Athletic Association 


No Answer or Not Applicable 


A normed-reference growth measure assessment tool 



Observation and Feedback 

Instructionally coaching teachers to improve student learning by observing instruction and then providing feedback in bite-sized action steps that will allow a teacher to systematically grow 


Office applications plus other productivity services that are enable over the Internet 


Online Middle and High School is the platform that middle school and high school students access to work on curriculum, see schedule, input progress and attendance 

OLS – Online School 

Learning Platform that K5 students access to work on curriculum, see schedule, input progress and attendance 


School Operations 


A contest for all K-12 teachers who are currently teaching in a K12 school.   Teachers may submit a recording for the monthly contest focusing on a specific instructional strategy aligned to a scoring rubric. 


Out of Office 


Paid time off 

Performance Rubric  

The rubric against which a competency’s performance task is measure. 

Performance Task  

 A task, project, or product created by a learner that demonstrates the required level of competency of a skill, ability, or set of knowledge in comparison to a pre-set Performance Rubric. 


K12’s proprietary two-year phonics program. 

PD - Professional Development  

A set of resources provided to teachers as an opportunity to meet their individual professional goals. 

Introductory: what (assessments) and how (analysis and action) 

Ongoing: aligned with data-driven calendar: flexible to adapt to student learning needs 

PD – Product Development  

A K12 Team that manages both our curriculum development and internal systems development teams.  Use the feedback feature found in the OLS or OMHS to communicate with this team. 


Professional Learning Community 


Point of Contact 


Problem of Practice 

Professional Development Rubric 

A tool teachers use to reflect as they try out a technique in their classroom. 




Parent Square


Quick Reference Guide 

These are “how to”  guides that you can reference quickly and they are very detailed.  


Regional Academic Director 


Regional Vice President 


Managed Public Schools are divided into one of four regions; CR – Central Region, NR-Northern Region, SR-Southern Region and WR-Western Region. 


Request time off 

RTI: (Response to Intervention) The process before referring a student to Special Ed. This process includes collecting information from testing scores and documenting interventions.  


Review of Existing Data 


Creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels, and each is supported so he or she can learn at high level, and each student demonstrates learning at high level 


Every 6-8 weeks; standards that appear on the first interim assessment appear again on subsequent interim assessment 


Semester End Transition 



School Level 


School Management Services 



Southern New Hampshire University with whom K12 has partnered with to create and offer the world’s first online Masters program focused on developing teachers in the area of Virtual Instruction. 


Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome 


Special Education

 S/C: Self-contained
FAPE: Free and Appropriate Public Education
LRE: Least Restrictive Environment
SLD: Specific Learning Disability 
ID(m): Mild Intellectual Disability 
OHI: Other Health Impairment 


Student Resource Coordinator



School Year 


Student Support Services Virtual New Staff Training (found in K12 Training)


Student Support Team 



Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths 



STI: State Testing Intervention.  Any student in need of extra assistance to be considered “on grade level”  



A K12 propriety program used for interim assessments and supplemental remedial help in Math, ELA and Science. 

Stride PMA 

The Assessment within Stride used for interim assessments. 

Summit Courses 

A ‘brand’ of K12 Curriculum that uses a special content player that provides ELL/ESL support and other technology to better deliver online instruction.  These courses also employ the custom K12 assessment tools that align assessment items to objectives and standards, addresses technology-supported question types, and permits teachers to make their own versions of K12-created assessments. 


Synchronous Instruction 

Teaching and learning that occur in real-time.  This can happen in person or using an online meeting application. 



The Teach360 team partners with schools to provide teacher support and community, as well as training and professional development.  The team also provides Instructional Coaching programs at K12 schools, and supports a worldwide K12 teacher community on popular social media platforms.  




Teacher Graded Assignment 

Teacher Help Desk 

Teachers may submit a question or issue here. Link to access is found in the "Quicklinks" section of your OLS or OMHS account.   

Third Party Course 

Courses that are not K12 proprietary but play on our LMS (OLS or OMHS). Examples include Middlebury, Cengage, Spotlight on Music. 

Tiered System of Supports (MTSS/RTI) 

  Systemic process of meeting the educational needs of all students through professional accountability to ensure: 

  • Delivery of scientific, research based core curriculum and instruction 

  • Ongoing monitoring of student data to assess the effectiveness of instruction 

  • Determination and delivery of targeted and intensive individualized student supports 

  • Shared responsibility – all staff (general education teachers, special education teachers, Title I, administration and Instructional strategist) 

Tier I 

Research-based core classroom curriculum and instruction for all learners that focus on the essential elements of a subject. 


Tier II  

Small group or individual instruction that provides strategic, targeted extensions in addition to the core curriculum and instruction present at Tier 1; for students who are identified by a Universal Screener or other data that identifies a potential of experiencing difficulty with content instruction in Tier 1.  Prescriptive, strategic, targeted 


Tier III  

Often individual instruction that provides intense intervention to target specific, individual student needs. It goes beyond the instructional and differentiated practices typical of those within Tier 1 or Tier 2. 


Tiered Instruction 

An approach to organizing instruction and students used to efficiently differentiate instruction for all students. It incorporates increasing intensities of instruction and support using specific, research-based interventions matched to student need. 


To be determined 

TVA – Total View Action 

Actions that allow sorting students in different ways to send messages, invite to Class Connect Sessions and add to Personal Groups. 

TVS - Total View School 

K12 web application where student information is entered and classrooms are created. 

TII (Turn It In) 

An online service available through the Online Middle and High School platform that compares student teacher-scored assignments to an index of the Internet as well as previously submitted items in the TII database.  The system returns an originality index which indicates the possibility of plagiarized content in the student submission. 


Voice Mail 


Virtual New Staff Training found in K12 Training LMS 


CASC and HVA support site with knowledge base articles

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